Our apprenticeship jobs

Hier fehlt der Tätigkeitsbereich

What your job will involve:

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Information missing

Your strengths:

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Closing date for applications:

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Media technologist – printing

What your job will involve:
from magazines to books and catalogues – every day we print a wide range of products in high print runs. A smooth printing process is essential for this. During your apprenticeship you will learn how to set up your printer according to the job at hand, and how to maintain it and monitor it properly during the printing process. This will allow you to ensure that our product quality remains high and our customers satisfied.

Duration: 3 years

Your strengths:
Have you completed your secondary education (German Hauptschule or Realschule equivalent) with good marks, and do you enjoy working in a team? Are you good at manual and technical work, and you have a good eye for colour? Then apply for a job with us!

Closing date for applications:
30 November in the year before the apprenticeship is due to start

Medientechnologe Druckverarbeitung (m/w)

Dein Job bei uns:

So vielfältig wie unsere Aufträge sind auch die Möglichkeiten, aus dem gedruckten Papier ein perfektes Endprodukt zu fertigen. In deiner Ausbildung lernst Du alles über unsere hochmodernen Maschinen und wie Du die computergestützten Anlagen richtig bedienst. Wir zeigen Dir, wie Du Produktmuster für die maschinelle Serienfertigung erstellst – zum Beispiel mithilfe von Falz- und Schneidemaschinen oder der Buchfertigungsstraße. Du übernimmst im Rahmen deiner Ausbildung die Verantwortung für unsere hochwertige Qualität von Büchern, Zeitschriften und Katalogen.

Deine Stärken:

Du hast einen guten Haupt- oder Realschulabschluss und Lust, handwerklich-technisch zu arbeiten? Du bist engagiert, eigeninitiativ und arbeitest gerne im Team? Dann bewirb Dich bei uns!

Dauer: 3 Jahre


30. November im Jahr vor dem Ausbildungsbeginn

Electrician for operational technology

What your job will involve:

Our machinery control systems, computers and equipment can only work error-free if they are maintained by highly trained staff. During this apprenticeship you will learn how to install and – if necessary – repair technical equipment in the areas of energy, IT, digital and drive engineering. You will lay cables, wire modules and be responsible for connections. In addition, you will be given an insight into measurement, control and automation technology plus metalworking.

Duration: 3.5 years

Your strengths:

Are Maths and Physics two of your favourite subjects, and have you completed your secondary education (German Hauptschule or Realschule equivalent) with good marks? Are you open-minded, interested in complex functional processes and good at manual and technical work? Then apply for a job with us!

Closing date for applications:

15 October in the year before the apprenticeship is due to start

Industrial mechanic

What your job will involve:

To guarantee the highest level of quality and perfect timing, our machines must always be operational. During this apprenticeship you will learn how to set up, put into operation and maintain the equipment in our print shop and post-press department. You will make spare parts, help out when there are technical problems and learn to use CNC and CAD programs. This programme also includes training in electrical engineering and practice in creating and reading technical drawings.

Duration: 3.5 years

Your strengths:

Do you have good basic technical understanding, and would you like to work with our state-of-the-art machines? Have you completed your secondary education (German Hauptschule or Realschule equivalent) with good marks, and do you enjoy working in a team? Then apply for a job with us!

Closing date for applications:

15 October in the year before the apprenticeship is due to start

Mechatronics technician

What your job will involve:

We need people with comprehensive specialist knowledge to deal with our in-house technical equipment. The work covers the areas of mechanics, electrics and electronics. During this apprenticeship you will learn to work at the interface between mechanics and electronics, so that you can help set up and maintain our complex control systems and adjust them as requirements change.

Duration: 3.5 years

Your strengths:

Do you have a good basic understanding of electronics and manual and technical work, and would you like to work in our technology centre? Have you completed your secondary education (German Hauptschule or Realschule equivalent) with good marks, as a minimum, and do you enjoy working in a team? Then apply for a job with us!

Closing date for applications:

15 October in the year before the apprenticeship is due to start

Discover the jobs we offer and the fascinating world of media at Bertelsmann!